Great job!
An instant five, brought to you by... me!
That was awesome.
Great job!
An instant five, brought to you by... me!
That was awesome.
glad you liked it!
That was hilarious. ROFL SWEET.
Thanks man.
Bravisimo, guys. That was just awesome. Nice use of crappy, yet funny animation. But, I do confess, it was excessively funny. "Please, just end this!" :P
I thought the animation was top-notch.
That was the best one yet!
That was so funny. Nice. Can't wait for DC6! Keep 'em coming!
-U2 iPod C/lock
Thanks Dude!!1!!!1!!!1!!!!!!!!!1111!!!
Poor nanner lock!
Nanner Lock..I just came back on NG and thought I'd catch up on reveiws..I like to be kool and answer them all. Oh Man when I read your reveiw and said NANNER LOCK that made me laugh...your the best reveiwer for this movie that was damn good.....there should be a real NannerLock or Clock that'd be funny....NANNER damn dude thats awsome. Huh *sighs in releif* Well thanks for the high vote and reveiw...luv you clocks....ya'll been giving me kick ass votes and high reveiws and damn good reviews too. So Thanks Clock Crew...hey I am a member of the Clock Crew also...I just don't have a actual ____Clock name but I joined though...SBC is King of the Portal...long live the Clock Crew! Now Viva La Diva I have to go take a shit!
That was awesome. Nice job, hope to see more!
Happy Lock Day!
-U2iPod C/lock
Great job!
Nice movie! Loved it, and fived it. Hope to see Ep. 2 soon!
Happy Lock Day!
-U2iPod C/lock
Thanks dude! <3 Much love. Happy Lock Day!
You have not yet made an unfunny movie.
Anime hidoi, Kupo-San.
Joined on 12/10/04