Here's a Fifen. Happy Clockmas, Fork.
Here's a Fifen. Happy Clockmas, Fork.
Merry Clockmas!!!!!<3
Great job!
An instant five, brought to you by... me!
That was awesome.
glad you liked it!
Great movie. Happy Christmas and a Merry New Year.
That was hilarious. ROFL SWEET.
Thanks man.
That was interesting.
Frankly, that lady has an abnormally large abdomen. I don't know about you, but that's pretty suspicious. Although, it was very well animated, and I give you credit for that.
Secondly, I'd like to say something to crazy_glue. Blasphemous, eh? Not everyone is Christian, and Christmas has become so much of a commercial holiday that you don't need to be Christian to celebrate it. If what you say you beleive, then millions of people yearly are "blasphemous".
Wow. I mean wow.
That was extremely funny. I can't tell you how good that movie is without writing a two-page paper. Anyways, awesome movie. I watched it twice before I finally stopped laughing. I am not dissapointed at all.
Great work. Five'd.
Bravisimo, guys. That was just awesome. Nice use of crappy, yet funny animation. But, I do confess, it was excessively funny. "Please, just end this!" :P
I thought the animation was top-notch.
Anime hidoi, Kupo-San.
Joined on 12/10/04